Saturday 7 January 2012

Hand Casting

In order for my final piece to show the right connotations of a thriller genre, I need to ensure that the hand that falls at the end of the scene is the right kind of hand. I have done some casting in order to make sure that most types of hand are accounted for, with an evaluation of each as to how successful I think they would be in my film opening. I'm looking for a preferably older female hand which is quite dark in complexion and not conventionally "dainty" or "pretty". When it comes to the actual filming, I wish to make the hand up to look like it's callused and dirty and cut, therefore I want the hand I use to be able to carry off this with the least amount of makeup possible.
 I think that this hand is a quite successful hand for the criteria I have for my opening. The complexion is similar to that of which I would want, and the fingernails are quite rounded and not too long- connoting masculinity. Although this hand would be very successful in my piece, the skin is still quite taut. This connotes that the person is quite young, which is a feature I do not want to get across in my film.
 These hands are quite long and elegant, and would therefore be easy to position when filming. However, there are many features to these hands that imply quite clearly that they belong to younger females- and are certainly too elegant and dainty for the character I wish to portray in my film opening. The complexion of both hands are too pale and the fingernails have been filed (and painted), again connoting too much femininity. These hands would not be successful in my opening because they do not portray the type of character I wish to portray in my film opening.

Although this hand fits some of the criteria for the hand I wish to use, I do not feel it would be entirely successful for the task I wish to fulfill. The hand is of a similar complexion to the one I wish to use, however I think it is slightly too pale in comparison to hand 1, for example. The skin on this hand is flawless and connotes innocence to an extent I would not wish to show in my final piece. Although this is a male hand, the fingers are long and elegant, thus connoting an innocent and kind character further. If I was to use this hand, I would have use lots of makeup in order to create the look that I want in my piece, and this would be inefficient in terms of both time and money. 

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