Sunday 25 September 2011

What I learnt from the preliminary task

We were asked to film and edit a promotional video for our school in groups of four in order to develop our skills in preparation for coursework tasks. I learnt a lot from this experience.
Firstly, I learnt the importance of planning work before executing. Although we didn't have long to film our piece, we would have been more effective and it would have taken less time overall if we had planned the whole thing before the task instead of planning as we went. We realised when it came to editing that if we wanted to make any changes (i.e take some more shots), we simply didn't have time to do so.
Another thing I learnt is that shots need to have at least five seconds either side of 'camera rolling' time in order to create effective transitions when editing. We did not do this, and some of our transitions can't be seen at all overall product as a result.
Finally, I developed team-work skills. Everyone contributed to our product and because of this (in my opinion) the end result is a lot better than if we had worked as individuals.

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